
Our clients are happy and successful.

We’re proud of the reputation we’ve earned as an agency that builds new brands, energizes established brands and delivers the results that make our clients successful.

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Fortera Credit Union

Fortera is all about partnership — doing life together with all members at many different points in their financial lives. With this brand refresh, we needed to reflect the warmth and vibrancy of these relationships — balancing a bold, youthful and welcoming identity with the notions of confidence and credibility. As a full-service partner, Brand Neue is honored to work alongside Fortera on every aspect of their business — from digital, print, direct mail, and ad campaign deployment — to internal branding and communications. In short, a trusting partnership built for great things ahead.

Fortera Annual Report Get 3 Points on Gas Everytime you fill your tank. Fortera meLOC Credit Up and One 4 One We have a card for your every need.

Starting with a well-defined brand mark, our challenge with the rebrand centered on focusing the design aesthetic and voice onto more refined, mature ground — without losing the inviting, youthful feel. The result is a brand palette of rich colors, subtle patterns and textures, and whimsical illustrations that create a vibrant, modern impression across all types of media.

One 4 One Mortgage Booster
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